After installing ESXi 5 or 6 on my physical box I “ssh” in to it. In order to allow “nested ESXi” to boot a 64bit OS you will need to run the following:
#vim /etc/vmware/config
then add this line at the end of file:
vhv.allow = "TRUE"
or use command
echo 'vhv.allow = "TRUE"' >> /etc/vmware/config
After you have done that you will want to make sure you will get network connection. Go to your “VM Network” portgroup,
or if you named it differently the portgroup that is used to connect the virtual ESXi hosts to. For each of the hosts to access internet do the following:
Click on the host
- Go to “Configuration”
- Click on “Networking”
- Click “Properties” on the vSwitch
- Select the correct portgroup
- Click “Edit”
- Click “Security”
- Set “Promiscuous Mode” to “Accept”
- Click “Ok”
- Click “Close”
after that verify host support kvm install use this:
root@server1:~# egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo
if return 0 mean that hardware virtualize not support KVM, if reture 1 or biger than 1 it mean hardware support virtualize with kvm