install spine for cacti


#yum install -y gcc mysql-devel net-snmp-devel autoconf automake libtool dos2unix help2man

#cd /opt
#tar -xvzf cacti-spine-0.8.7.tar.gz
#cd cacti-spine-0.8.7
#chmod 744 ./configure
#make install
#cp /usr/local/spine/etc/spine.conf /etc/spine.conf

Edit "/etc/spine.conf" to match cacti's config.php

 *DB_Host should be the same with include/config.php

DB_Host               localhost
DB_Database        cacti
DB_User               cactiuser
DB_Pass               cactiuser
DB_Port               3306
DB_PreG              0

Login to Cacti's Web interface - Within the cacti GUI add the spine binary path

Settings > Paths '/usr/local/spine/bin/spine'

and then under the Poller tab change the type from cmd.php to Spine.

You can verify you logs by:

    #tail -f /var/www/cacti/log/cacti.log


#apt-get install autoconf automake libtool build-essential 
#apt-get install libsnmp-dev libsnmp-base

#tar -xvzf cacti-spine-0.8.7.tar.gz
#cd cacti-spine-0.8.7
#chmod 744 ./configure
#make install
#cp /usr/local/spine/etc/spine.conf /etc/spine.conf

Edit "/etc/spine.conf" to match cacti's config.php

 *DB_Host should be the same with include/config.php

DB_Host               localhost
DB_Database        cacti
DB_User               cactiuser
DB_Pass               cactiuser
DB_Port               3306
DB_PreG              0

Login to Cacti's Web interface - Within the cacti GUI add the spine binary path

Settings > Paths '/usr/local/spine/bin/spine'

and then under the Poller tab change the type from cmd.php to Spine.

You can verify you logs by:

#tail -f /var/www/cacti/log/cacti.log
use command ./configure error message:

Cannot find MySQL headers.  Use --with-mysql= to specify non-default path
#apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
use command make error below:

false // No help2man // --output=spine.1 --name='Data Collector for Cacti' --no-info --version-option='--version' ./spine
Makefile:939: recipe for target 'spine.1' failed
make: *** [spine.1] Error 1
#apt-get install help2man